Melton Old Church Events 2024

Saturday 9th March 9.30am-12.30pm Outdoor work/indoor Spring clean (weather permitting). If you are interested in helping, please contact John Duce phone: 01394 386321

Saturday 19th May at 3.00pm Spring Concert “Songs of Travel” by Ralph Vaughan Williams performed by Garry Magee (baritone) accompanied by Christine Whiffen (piano). Tickets £10 (including refreshments) available from Eventbrite or phone Claire McBurney on 01394 384214

Sunday 2nd June 2.00pm-4.30pm Open Afternoon with GeoSuffolk Come and find out more about the remarkable geologist, Searles Valentine Wood, who has a memorial in the church Refreshments available

Sunday 30th June 2.00pm-4.30pm Open Afternoon with a selection of Parish Records available to visitors.  Refreshments available.

Saturday 7th September 10.00am-12.30pm Annual Morning Market with home baked cakes and savouries, vegetables, preserves, crafts and much more.  Entrance £1.00 inc. tea/coffee

Saturday 14th September The Annual Sponsored Ride and Stride – Melton Old Church volunteers will be available to sign in cyclists and walkers taking part in this event.

Sunday 3rd November 3.00pm All Soul’s Day Service.  Tea and biscuits served after service.

!8th November 7.30pm AGM at Melton Old Church

December Christmas Event TBA